How to choose the right B2B visuals on LinkedIn

When users are impacted by new ads or content on LinkedIn, the first thing that they watch it’s usually the image. That’s why it’s crucial to choose the right B2B visuals. In this post, we explain some tips & tricks.

On LinkedIn, adding the right images can cause more engagement. Research from Google confirms that users are more likely to consider a product or service or take action after viewing an ad they consider diverse or inclusive. 

Tips for choosing the right B2B visuals

Choose images that consider diversity and inclusion

It’s essential that your target audience doesn’t feel excluded when seeing your content. That’s why your images must show diversity and inclusion.

Use unusual colours

On LinkedIn, for example, we don’t recommend using blue colours, as in the whole feed, there’re bluish colours.

Therefore, you can choose fluorescent colours, for example, as they can catch the attention of the audience and encourage them to read your post. On the other hand, when choosing colours, keep in mind that LinkedIn can currently be viewed in the dark format.

Add text in your B2B visuals

To give an initial idea of what your post or ad is about, it is good practice to insert text in the copy. This way, if users are interested in what is in the image in the text, they will be more likely to read the rest of the post.

Be innovative

Try to move away from stock images and be creative when choosing B2B visuals. Users are very used to seeing different types of content, so it is essential to make your content stand out and be remembered.

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Sources to find B2B visuals

There’re some sources you can take into account to find and choose the right B2B visuals. On below, we show some of them!

  • Unsplash: This platform is free stock images. You can find more than two million images, including backgrounds and wallpapers.
  • Flickr: It’s also a free stock image. Users can sort by license type and colour palette to easier find what they need.
  • Shutterstock: In this case, you have to pay a subscription to download images from this platform. It offers more than 100k images with search terms and filters to make visuals easier to find.
  • Getty Images: It has 400 million visuals available, and you have to also pay a subscription.

Get more information about how to launch remarkable B2B content on LinkedIn.

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