5 Marketing Automation strategies you should implement

Marketing automation is about using software to nurture prospects and leads and automate marketing activities. So, the goal of marketing automation is to deliver a customised experience and also to save time with repetitive tasks. 

HubSpot confirms that 50% of the leads are not ready to buy. So, it’s important to focus efforts on nurturing those leads who are not prepared to buy or hire your products / services. In this post, we’re going to mention the top 5 Marketing Automation strategies you should implement.

Reasons why you should consider Marketing Automation

Before mentioning the marketing automation strategies, it’s essential to understand why you should implement them. Marketing automation provides some advantages that facilitate and increases the chances of your leads’ conversion.

Provide personalised content

Through marketing automation, you can deliver customised content to each lead. We recommend creating groups according to the funnel stage where leads are located, their needs, interests and pain points. 

Consequently, you will provide qualified content related to your leads’ needs, and that will make them satisfied with the experience.

Nurture and engage with your leads

This strategy allows you to nurture your leads and after converting them into potential customers through crucial information. Also, depending on the action your leads take, you can send a specific email. Thus, this will let you increase the engagement with them.

Optimise time

A marketing automation tool can help you with monotonous tasks. So, you can optimise your time better and increase your productivity thanks to this tool. 

Track results

This tool usually provides a statistics panel where you can easily find out where the leads come from, the conversion rate and how the nurturing process is evolving.

Top 5 Marketing Automation strategies

Email Automation

This strategy is based on developing and scheduling emails for each buyer journey stage with customised content or offersAccording to the leads’ action, you can automate specific emails.

Email automation key tips

Build a workflow: First, you need to draw the path that leads can take when you send an email. After developing the workflow, you will know how many emails to send, and it will be easier to develop the strategy.

Create a calendar: Schedule your emails by creating a calendar. Therefore, you will develop the workflow, create the emails, schedule them and, consequently, save more time.

Develop a closer message: Remember you are talking with people, not with a machine. So, make sure you implement the appropriate communication.

Website live chat

You can introduce a chat on your website where users can speak with your company in real-time. It’s an optimal way to obtain new leads and also to provide more straightforward, relevant information. 

Website live chat key tips

Provide immediate answers: If you give quick answers, users will be satisfied with your services. As a result, it will also increase the possibilities to get new qualified leads.

Prepare possible answers: The more responses you write, the faster you will answer to users. In addition, you will also save time when having a conversation with them. 

Get key information from conversations: In the dialogue, you can find relevant information to build new content, resources, services, among others. It’s an opportunity also to grow your business. 

Social Media Automation

Each social media network requires specific posts. To organise and publish the content on each platform, it is advisable to use a social media automation tool. It also helps to automate comments, likes and shares.

Social Media automation key tips

Provide different content in each network: As mentioned, analyse which type of content users want to find in Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Develop a content strategy for each platform.

Consider republishing updates: If you find optimal results in some social posts, you can republish them, adding updates. But it would be best if you don’t do this continuously, to avoid giving a bad image of the company. 

Add chatbots: When users are asking questions, you can give a response immediately through chatbots. You can also use chatbots to tell users that you’ll provide information about the question at a particular time.  

Have a look to the newest Top 10 social media strategies!

Dynamic Content

Creating dynamic content is an excellent strategy to interact with users. According to HubSpot, dynamic content is “Smart content is a term for the aspects of a website, ad, or email body that change based on the interests or past behaviour of the viewer. It creates an experience that’s customised specifically for the visitor or reader at that moment.”

Dynamic content key tips

Create a workflow: To know which content you should deliver, you can create a workflow for each funnel stage. Here, you also need to consider your target audience’s needs, pain points and goals.

Ask your leads’ opinion: It’s important to know if your content plan is effective and if it’s really providing relevant information. To conclude this, you can consider asking directly to your leads.

Lists Automation

When developing an email marketing automation, you can also automate your lists instead of creating them manually.

Lists automation key tips

Automate lists according to the funnels and needs: You need to give different messages to leads located in the TOFU, MOFU and BOFU stages. In addition, you have to consider their needs to conclude which content can cover them. 

Consider the industry and job position: It’s also important that the tone of voice can be different when talking with founders, managers, seniors, etc. On the other hand, depending on the industry leads, they probably need different types of content.

To conclude the post, we invite you to download our B2B inbound marketing definitive guide with relevant information and free helpful resources.

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