Key recommendations for working on the D-Day planning
Many service companies and brand activity has been affected by the current COVID-19 crisis. We have already repeated in other articles that the new normality won’t be the normality we know because consumers purchasing habits and day-to-day routines have changed. As a result, companies needs have changed too. The central core of many brands is made up of citizens who in the long term will demand new needs of their services and products.
Since the beginning of the crisis, we see that some retail chains stopped their business. However, we recommend that before making such a drastic decision, is better to consider planning for D-Day and know how to adapt the business to this new normality. That’s why companies have to focus their efforts on getting sales back by working on the weakest areas of the business.

Here are a few key recommendations to know how to deal with this new situation and plan for D-Day.
Key recommendations
1.- Sales increase
At this point, we suggest establishing a plan to increase sales again. It is recommendable to set realistic goals, create a pipeline and analyze how to achieve them.
Also, we advise you to consider the resources to be invested as well as changes in customer relationships and communications.
2.- Being on the starting line
We recommend you to be prepared for the return by setting yourself apart from the competition and investing in resources with common sense, thinking in the long term.
3.- Team management and motivation
Part of your team may be suffering worry, fear or anxiety. At this point, we suggest you work on the following questions: How will you help them? How will you motivate them again? What actions are you currently taking to minimize the psychological effects of COVID-19?
4.- Communication
It’s important to be honest and transparent when you’re talking with your clients. We live in a market economy and it is positive to sell and link your value proposition to the current environment, as long as it’s respectful and sensible.
As we have seen, it’s essential for any company and brand that sell products and services to plan for the D-Day.
We invite you to download a free infographic with the 4 steps you must do to make a correct planning.
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