How to readapt your company’s B2B lead generation during the COVID-19 crisis
The coronavirus has contaminated human lives as well as the entire world economy, so for the moment there are no definitive predictions about the duration of this pandemic. This fact means that there are many companies trying to meet lead generation goals while they learn how to adapt the company to the current transformation and improve demand.
Knowing how to readapt the lead generation plan during the COVID-19 crisis will be essential for any B2B company.
To create a complete B2B lead generation strategy, you can check our definitive guide. You’re going to find useful resources and information!

How to readapt your company B2B lead generation during the COVID-19 crisis? Key points
1.- New audiences
This crisis leads to new changes in the needs and habits of citizens and companies. That’s why we recommend to work again on the pain points of our audience and on the new purchase cycle or buyer’s journey. An example of this would be to create a table Pre-covid-10, Covid-19 and Post covid 19 to make a comparison and make some conclusions for the new decision making.
2.- New verticals
If your company has been affected by the crisis, we recommend you to quickly identify new verticals which can fit your services or offers. Some of the measures we recommend to implement and follow are:
-Analyze all the verticals you haven’t served in the past and analyze if you can currently sell your services and new offers.
-Train your sales team to expand into new markets Also check if they need to introduce other resources or tools.
-Identify and communicate with new prospects and explain them how your offer can solve their needs
3.- New offers
More than ever, B2B companies need to redirect their offers to new markets that they didn’t address before COVID-19. Some tools to do it are:
–Readjusting team skills and processes: train your team to new dynamics and services in the company. If the offer is changed or additional services are included, it’s necessary to prepare the team and let them know how to face the new situation. Part of your day can be dedicated to train to how readjust quickly to the new processes and acquire new skills.
–Listen to the customer: More than ever, it’s necessary to know how to listen to the client in order to adapt your company’s services to their new needs. We suggest you to create questionnaire templates, and one of your team members could talk to customers and get their feedback immediately.
The actual needs and habits of people and companies came to stay. Review your strategy and direct your efforts towards processes and valuable tools to maintain and multiply lead generation.
If you want to know more, download a free infographic to know how to readapt your b2b lead generation strategy during COVID-19.
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