Gotoclient’s rocketship contains exclusive resources aimed at top companies’ leaders. Read & watch inspiring client stories, apply for a 1:1 workshop, view video pills, and get key stats for decision making.
Success stories
Read remarkable stories from remarkable clients.
Remarkable stories based on the best agency–client team integration, effort, respect, and commitment. Read about award-winning international stories, and how our clients developed B2B demand generation platforms.
Client testimonials
How our clients took their B2B marketing to the next level.
CXO level client counterparts talk about how they transformed their B2B marketing with Gotoclient.
Ricardo Martínez
General Manager B2B Europe MediaMarkt

Interview with
The Internationalist and Wacom

Ulrike Bakker
Senior Manager Inside Sales Enterprise at Wacom
Deborah Malone
Founder of The Internationalist
Philippe Luneau
Partnerships Marketing Lead EMEA Norton LifeLock (2015-2021)

1:1 workshops
1:1 conversations with our team members, including our CEO
1:1 conversations with our team members, including our CEO, that will make you think about your B2B potential. 1:1 workshops are limited to two per month and have no cost. Find out if you qualify. See eligibility requirements on below:
1.- You must be a CXO level executive of a multinational company with a B2B or B2B2C market.
2.- Your company must sell at least in 2 different European countries and have a global annual revenue of at least 100 Mio EUR.
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Take decisions based on key trends and stats
The world is continuously changing and increasingly faster. That’s why it’s essential to keep informed about new trends related to the current market. Adapting the business to new tendencies is key to avoid being outdone and standing out from the competition. Learn about new trends, statistics and how the current market is acting to determine new strategies.
Discover them nowWatch our video pills
Marketing industry leaders talk about the future of sales & marketing. Get the most out of their knowledge

B2B lead gen trends with David Hall
B2B lead generation strategies are continuously adapting to the current market. We have a great conversation with David Hall. He’s the Co-Founder of GeniusVets, Founder of theSEOeffect and named as “Top 100 Marketing & Advertising Influencer” for 2021 by MARsumfrom. He shares useful B2B lead generation trends that can help you boosting your strategies for the next 5 years.
Watch the video pill now!The lead generation follow-up plan with Adrian Falk
When generating B2B leads, we sometimes tend to not thinking about what we will do once we obtain them. That’s why in this video pill, we talk about the lead generation follow-up plan. Adrian Falk, Director and Founder of Believe Advertising & PR, an integrated agency that works with leading national and international brands, gives helpful insights to carry out an effective lead gen follow-up plan.
Watch the video pill now!B2B creative trends with Hunter Johnson
Emotions are commonly forgotten. B2B also decides emotionally, but we’re still rational when building campaigns. We have an enriching conversation with Hunter Johnson, the CEO of Xpedition, a creative agency, about the most relevant creative trends to implement in B2B campaigns from the top to the bottom of the funnel.
Watch the video pill now!
B2B paid media trends with Gabriel Colombo
Paid media is a crucial strategy for B2B businesses. Gabriel Colombo, CEO of Traktor Digital Traction explains the definitive B2B paid media trends for the next 5 years. Keep updated about new trends and launch outstanding B2B campaigns.
Watch the video pill now!Marketing and sales alignment with Dacia Coffey
We have a great conversation with Dacia Coffey, the CEO of The Marketing Blender, about marketing and sales alignment. Both teams usually work separately with different KPIs. Consequently, we’ll have a great conversation around crucial recommendations and the critical mistakes that CMOs must avoid.
Watch the video pill now!The leadership in marketing agencies with Jordan Ross
Managers and directors of marketing agencies must focus efforts on team management by developing a great culture and keeping the team motivated. Jordan Ross, Founder & CEO of 8 Figure Agency provides critical factors and tips to build an exceptional team.
Watch the video pill now!