How to advertise on Linkedin for B2B?

LinkedIn is a best social network for services or product companies B2B to be present in the digital world. In this article, we teach do advertise on LinkedIn

Why do advertisements on LinkedIn for B2B?


Because, It is not enough to create a company page on LinkedIn. Is very important, know 4 key points to implement in your page and start to advertise on LinkedIn. Also, you can use any tools to increase your conversion rate. 

We start to explain a LinkedIn potential audience volume of high level: currently, there are more 675 millions of potential customers than they wait for your company page access on LinkedIn. So, the present in LinkedIn is a first step, but it is one of 4 key points to understand how to advertise on LinkedIn. 

How to advertise on LinkedIn for B2B. 

1. Optimizar tu página de empresa o company page LinkedIn:

It is first step for do advertise in LinkedIn. But, it is very important that you understand that “Your Company” is not a simple extension of “About Us”. Should be considered an active marketing strategist. We offer a differents suggestions for optimize your company page on LinkedIn Using a images. 

First, you introduce a company logo with recommended size (300×300 píxeles). After, another suggestion is using a cover image with recommended size (1536×768 pixeles). 

optimizacion página de LinkedIn para anuncios B2B-min

Both suggestions are very important to introduce in your company page  because it is one of the steps for design optimice in your page. The logo is a more important element when creating branding, as this appears in start search and employees profile. Besides, we suggest not using complex design in your cover image, but this element must communicate a branding essencial. 

  • Create a company description

Also, a description is one of the most important elements in your company page. For this, we suggest you write a description with mision, vision, goals, existence and more. In this appart, it is important you introduce keywords associated with the company sector. 

The description element evokes emotion. In our case, being a marketing boutique agency we have the following description. 

Gotoclient is a B2B and B2C online marketing agency. We build an overall process that covers the strategy to execution and campaign follow up. We’re focused on our clients’ needs and goals to define make them successful. 

As a result of the new normal, we decided to evolve our service portfolio and leave some of them, such as branding, web development and event management. So, our service portfolio is now composed by LinkedIn Ads, B2B lead generation, Inbound Marketing for B2B, Channel loyalty Programs, Promotions for B2B and B2C, along with a training and workshops service. In addition, we launched our definitive guides based in this new service portfolio.

They put in your description depending on your marketing strategy. For example: if your company is a hyper-specialist in the X sector, it is very important they put in a description. They understand description what “elevator pitch”. 

Dowlands free guide.
  • Optimice your company page for SEO Search:

Our suggestion is to introduce relevant keywords for your deal in description, but the appart has to ring natural text. Also,is important that customize a URL from your page. 

Lastly, optimice your company page on LinkedIn for internal search with introduce until 20 keywords as expertise area 

Enter in we LinkedIn profile
  • Provide quality content. 

Another action important for optimizing your company page to advertise in LinkedIn, is generating and recommending quality content. Making yourself known in the sector is an important action for getting potential customers. Also, best practices is to create a “Follow” button into websites or corporate places to get known across your company page. 

Remarketing strategy concept vector illustration.

2. Choose an advertisement form on LinkedIn that unites your marketing goals. 

Actually, there are 3 ads formats that you can use in LinkedIn B2B strategy, because it are self-serving. 

  • Sponsored Content ads indicate ads for your goal to generate leads in different devices at once that potential your branding image. One marketing solution with high and quality segmentation. 
  • If you prefer launch fast comparing with low inversión, your ads must make with a Text Ads. Many impressions and low CTR, but according to our experience, with high quality conversion lead percent.  The Text Ads is a simple ad with a title, little description and single image of 50×50. In a matter of a few minutes, strat generate leads.
  • Lastly, for high personalization possibility, the best practice is to create Sponsored InMail ads. This is sending email directly to a LinkedIn user. With this, you can take advantage of generating an individual conversation. Our according, we said that with the Sponsored InMail Ads action, you can aspire 70% of opeining.
Dowlands free guide.

3. Do a conscious measuring 

Is important to have a perfect definite final goal of the LinkedIn ads campaign. You choose a different option: lead caption, product visibility, services exception generate or caption many information across a Newsletter subscription. 

Also, you have see a company page on LinkedIn performance across four factors that each different value

medicion de metricas en LinkedIn Ads-min
diferentes formatos de LinkedIn Ads-min

4. Try with different LinkedIn Ads formats. 

At the moment of strat first campaign on LinkedIn, we suggest trying a different format to understand what is the best practiques and what formats answer better for your target. 

Well, we are waiting for these LinkedIn Ads suggestions to be useful for your company. If you like free consulting you can click here.

Get more information about LinkedIn Ads campign to start your B2B quality leads generate.

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