How to analyze if it’s feasible to launch a lead generation campaign on LinkedIn Ads
Any company registered on the platform can start designing their campaigns on LinkedIn Ads. However, it’s important to analyze if the campaign will give ROI, and to do this, we’re going to mention a number of assessment criteria.

In addition, it should be added that LinkedIn Ads is the number 1 platform for generating leads, so it is important to take it into consideration when you want to carry out campaigns of this type. In case you do not know LinkedIn Ads or the ad types, you can consult this article.
6 criteria to know how to analyze if it’s feasible to launch a lead generation campaign on LinkedIn Ads
1.- B2B company
First of all, you must be a B2B company. LinkedIn is a platform focused on professionals from multiple sectors, so it’s essential that the offer is focused on companies needs instead of individuals.
If you are a B2C company, we recommend you to carry out campaigns on other platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads.
2.- Need to generate leads on a continuous basis
In this kind of campaigns, it’s important to be a company that needs a considerable amount of leads and not just sell to a limited number of customers. The lead generation process must be continuous with new attractive and impressive offers for your target audience. In short, your main objective should be to get as many quality leads as possible, and convert them to customers.
Consequently, we don’t recommend you to launch a single campaign, in order to be successful you need to launch more than one and figure out which ones give you the best results.
There are companies that have had notable success with LinkedIn Ads, for example, Eurex wanted to encourage wider connections, build relationships and create commitment. As a result of a LinkedIn Ads campaign, they were able to increase their followers from 500 to 13.000 in 3 months; and currently 81% of their followers interact exclusively on LinkedIn.
3.- Your client is an active LinkedIn user
On the other hand, your client must also be an active LinkedIn user and be used to the platform (LinkedIn Savvy). In addition, LinkedIn audience has twice as much purchasing power as the average Internet audience.
4.- Client’s value is over 4.000 euros per year
When you build campaigns on LinkedIn Ads, it’s important to keep in mind that is a platform where the investment is higher than others. So, your client’s value must be higher than 3.000 or 4.000 euros per year.
If the client’s value is lower than what we have mentioned, it’s advisable not to carry out a lead generation campaign, because LinkedIn requires a higher investment’s level and it will be difficult to demonstrate the ROI.
5.- You know your ideal client profile
It is essential to have a clear idea of what your ideal customer profile looks like. One of LinkedIn’s strongest points is the targeting capacity, it allows you to segment by country, company sector, company size, company member positions, etc., and also it allows you to exclude those client profiles that you don’t want to consume your ad.
Therefore, it’s important that you analyze what your ideal customer is like, because sometimes we make the mistake thinking that if there’re a lot of members in our campaign, it will be better. For example, it’s not positive that your audience has more than 200,000 members, because the leads quality will be probably worst.
6.- Your audience is over 50.000 members
You should also know that your audience must have be more than 50.000, because the chance of being your campaign successful increases.
When you carry out your campaign’s segmentation, you will automatically see on the screen the total number of members of your ad audience, so you will know if you should apply more attributes or not.
If you feel that your company meets these 6 points, LinkedIn Ads fits your goals. However, apart from these factors mentioned, there are additional points to take into account when you prepare a campaign on LinkedIn Ads.
If you are interested in knowing other important factors for carrying out your campaign within the framework of the post COVID-19, you can book a free 60-minute meeting with us and we will explain what you need to know. Let’s build your strategy on LinkedIn Ads!
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