How to grow B2B business – Top 6 strategies

B2B companies constantly need to develop strategies to increase their business. Discover the top 6 strategies to know how to grow your B2B business effectively.

B2B Technology Marketing Community confirms that increasing the quality of leads is the top priority for a vast majority of B2B professionals (68%), followed by increasing lead volume (55%). Here, we can conclude that B2B companies focus their efforts on generating qualified leads to grow its B2B business.

However, it’s not the only way to grow the B2B business. In this post, we’re going to mention a list of the top 6 strategies to consider.

1. Carry out a website analysis

It is important to develop an analysis of your website to know how it is positioned. In this way, it will be easier to identify the gaps and then carry out the appropriate strategies. You can do this in the following ways:

  • – Look at your website analytics to see the evolution of your website’s visits. For example, if you see that during a period the visits were high, but then fell, identify what you did during the period of high visits to implement it now.
  • – Update your Google My Business account. It is essential to have it updated to make a good impression. You can publish posts communicating news or new offers.
  • – Find out what your competitors are doing. You can benchmark and analyse what kind of content they are doing to be successful. You can also identify what they are not doing that you could do in order to stand out.
  • – Check that your website has an attractive look & feel and offers a clear idea about what your business is about in 5 seconds.

2. Develop a keyword research

Carrying out keyword research allows you to rank your site in the first results, and help your target audience to find your company on search engines. However, it’s crucial to not focus on the number of visitors. It’s very important that users are qualified for your business. To do qualified keyword research we recommend you follow these steps.

  1. Create a keywords’ list that is of most interest. For example, if you offer IT services in Rome, the keyword “IT services in Rome” can be a high-quality keyword.

  2. After you have the list, introduce it into a keyword research tool to find out the search results. We suggest using Google Keyword Planner. In this tool, it will show you clicks, impressions, CTR, competition, and average monthly searches.

  3. Once you have entered the keywords in the tool, choose the ones that have the most potential for your business. For example, a keyword with low competition and high average monthly searches can be a potential keyword. Then, develop a content plan by entering the keywords. The content can be carried out as a post, eBook, guide, infographic, etc.

3. Get feedback from your clients and employees

Some improvement factors are likely to be missed if we only have 1 or 2 points of view. That’s why it is essential to know the customers and employees opinion.

  • Clients: They are a key tool to be able to identify our gaps. You can ask them to know their point of view and schedule a meeting with several questions. Their feedback can provide valuable information to make your business remarkable.
  • – Employees: Employees are the soul of the company. They are those who know the business in-depth. So they are also crucial to know possible points of improvement. You can schedule a brainstorming session in which they can present their ideas on how to grow the B2B business.

4. Promote your B2B business

Promoting your business is a good way to increase your services and company awareness. In addition, it’s an opportunity to explain the reasons why users should choose your company. Here are some tips to keep in mind to know how to promote B2B business.

  • Develop video marketing to generate awareness. More and more users prefer to watch content in video format. So, launch video campaigns to increase awareness and consideration. Then, after generating awareness, launch decision campaigns with a unique offer to convert them into new leads. This will help you to grow B2B qualified leads
  • Use LinkedIn Ads. LinkedIn is a key platform for B2B professionals. In this guide, you will find all the information to consider before launching a LinkedIn campaign.
  • – Accompany the campaign with other platforms such as Google Ads or Xing Ads. Depending on your goals and budget, don’t limit yourself to one platform and consider others.
  • – Launch retargeting campaigns to re-engage users interested in your company. To also grow B2B qualified leads, you can run a campaign by adding those members who saw your ad but did not apply, or those who visited a particular page of your website but did not convert. This will increase your chances of converting them.

5. Keep your CRM updated

It is essential to keep your CRM up to date in order to provide the appropriate content. For example, if one of your contacts has changed position, it is likely that their needs have also changed. This is why it is crucial to update it.

You can use platforms such as HubSpot that help you to have an organised CRM, create lists to launch communication campaigns, among other functions.

6. Implement A/B testing

It is common not obtaining the desired results with the first strategy implemented. For this, you should carry out A/B tests on the strategies you consider, for example:

  1. Test your CTAs’ placement.

  2. Test your forms.

  3. Test the content.

  4. Test your paid campaigns.

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