All you need to know about LinkedIn Ads and B2B lead generation in 2024

Discover the answers to the most frequently asked questions in 2024 about the main B2B online marketing strategies: LinkedIn Ads, B2B lead generation, B2B inbound marketing, channel loyalty programmes and B2B & B2C promotions. Develop optimal strategies with our Q&A.

LinkedIn Ads
B2B lead generation
B2B inbound marketing
Channel loyalty program
B2B and Consumer promotions

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads: basics

· Are LinkedIn Ads effective?

For B2B campaigns, LinkedIn Ads is one of the most effective advertising platforms. According to the Business Insider report, LinkedIn is the most trusted platform by marketers. In addition, LinkedIn states that 80% of online B2B leads come from LinkedIn.

On the other hand, LinkedIn has over 1 billion registered users from 200 countries and regions worldwide, so LinkedIn Ads effectively reaches B2B audiences. LinkedIn Ads also allows developing a specific targeting strategy based on company industry, size, job position, professional experience, among others. And it also allows choosing between several effective LinkedIn Ads formats.

· What are the requirements to launch a LinkedIn Ads campaign?

Launching a LinkedIn Ads campaign effectively obtains qualified leads and increases awareness or website visits. But there are some essential requirements to launch a campaign, which are the following:

  1. You must sell B2B or B2B2C products or solutions. B2C propositions should not be conveyed through LinkedIn.
  2. You need to generate leads on an ongoing basis.
  3. Your customer’s value is at least 4,000 euros per year.
  4. You have a clear idea of your Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Persona.
  5. Your customer is a LinkedIn active user.
  6. Your LinkedIn target audience size is at least 40,000 members.

· Why should I choose LinkedIn Ads instead of other platforms?

LinkedIn is composed of more than 1 billion users. It’s a professional network where users invest time instead of other platforms like Facebook or Instagram, where people spend their free time looking at friends’ information and entertainment updates. On below, we are attaching a list of key reasons why you should choose LinkedIn Ads:

  • · Targeting capacity: LinkedIn allows targeting through many options, such as company size, industry, job experience, etc. In this post, we explain how to build an optimal targeting strategy on LinkedIn Ads.
  • · Leads qualification: On LinkedIn, 61 million users are senior-level influencers 40 million members are decision-makers. So, LinkedIn allows obtaining B2B qualified leads.
  • · Leads volume: According to LinkedIn, 80% of online B2B leads come from LinkedIn, 13% from Twitter, and 7% from Facebook.
  • · Trusted platform: LinkedIn also states that 91% of marketing executives list LinkedIn as the top place to find quality content.

· Do LinkedIn Ads work for B2C campaigns?

LinkedIn Ads is a professional network. So, users are investing time on LinkedIn rather than spending it. Consequently, if your offer is focused on professionally helping your target audience, LinkedIn Ads can be a good option. If not, we recommend using other platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Google.  

· How to create LinkedIn Ads campaigns?

To build and launch LinkedIn Ads campaigns, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Check that your company has a LinkedIn company page. LinkedIn campaigns have to be associated with a company page.
  2. Sign in to Campaign Manager. At the top right of the LinkedIn page, there’s an “Advertise” button. You can also access it in this way.
  3. Click on “Create campaign”.
  4. Choose your campaign goal.
  5. Indicate your audience settings.
  6. Set your budget. Here, you can include a daily or a total budget and so a bid. To calculate your costs and investment, you can check our post.
  7. Create the ads.
  8. Launch the campaign.

You can also download our free checklist with all the steps to consider before running a LinkedIn campaign.

LinkedIn Ads goals

· Which goal should I choose when setting up LinkedIn Ads campaigns?

For awareness campaigns:

For awareness campaigns, it depends on your business goals. When thinking about awareness campaigns, sometimes the first goal that comes to our mind is awareness. But you can also consider more than only this one. For example, if you want to increase your website traffic, you can choose the “Website visits” goal. It can also link to a landing page where users have to fill the form to obtain an infographic, attend a webinar, etc. On the other hand, if you want to generate clicks, comments and shares in your posts, we recommend choosing the Engagement goal.

For lead generation campaigns:

In this case, you can choose between two options. Firstly, the lead generation goal is the most used on LinkedIn, as it’s an effective way to obtain qualified leads. In addition, with this objective, you can attach a LinkedIn lead gen form. On the other hand, a website conversion goal is a good option for companies that want users to download eBookssign up for webinars or apply for a demo on a specific corporate page.

For recruiting campaigns:

Finally, when companies need to hire new employees, job applicants goal is key to reaching potential candidates.

· Should I use a lead gen form or an external landing page in LinkedIn Ads lead generation campaigns?

According to LinkedIn, the average conversion rate on a landing page is 2.35%, and on a LinkedIn lead gen form is 13%. So, consequently, you should choose the lead gen form rather than an external landing page.

The LinkedIn Ads form offers a more comfortable experience, as users don’t have to leave the LinkedIn page. Also, most lead gen forms fields are pre-populated with users’ profile data. So, they spend less time in the form compared to a landing page. Nevertheless, having a high conversion rate on LinkedIn Ads is a challenging task. That’s why in this link, you can find helpful tips.

Targeting strategy

· Which are the most used criteria for Company attributes in LinkedIn Ads?

The most used LinkedIn Ads company attributes are the company size and industry, as they’re necessary information to the target. Industries are key because you should verticalise your campaigns. However, it doesn’t mean you always have to target by these criteria.

· On LinkedIn Ads, which options should I choose to impact innovative companies?

To impact innovative companies with LinkedIn Ads, you have to target the company category with job seniority criteria.

In addition, to reach innovative companies in lead generation campaigns, it’s key to target by company category with job seniority and job function. As a result, you’ll reach decision-makers. To see more targeting tips, you can check our definitive guide.

· On LinkedIn Ads, what company industries should I consider?

An excellent way to know which industries you should select in your LinkedIn Ads campaign is by searching 10 LinkedIn pages of your target audience. Then, check which company industry they introduce. Finally, in our LinkedIn Ads definitive guide, we provide more key recommendations regarding company attributes.

· How can I target fast-growing companies through LinkedIn Ads?

To impact fast-growing companies on LinkedIn Ads, you have to select the Company growth rate option. It allows arriving users working in a business with growth based on employees compared to the previous year.

· Can I target by member age and member gender on LinkedIn Ads campaigns?

LinkedIn Ads allows targeting by member age and gender, but we don’t recommend using these options. First of all, because the member age is deduced, so it’s not 100% reliable. On the other hand, LinkedIn doesn’t mandate users to put their gender. Finally, if you decide to target these criteria, you have to consider ethical & legal limitations depending on your country and the countries you’re targeting in your campaigns.

· For specific education degrees offer, which targeting options should I have to select on LinkedIn Ads?

When offering specific education degrees on LinkedIn Ads, you should target a particular Job Function with its related industry. For example, if your offer is based on a marketing course, select the Marketing job function to impact users in this specific industry. To know more about LinkedIn targeting tips, we recommend checking our guide. If you prefer, you can download the PDF document.

· On LinkedIn Ads, should I target by Job Functions and Seniorities or with Job titles?

Based on our experience, on LinkedIn Ads is better to start targeting job functions and seniorities. We recommend launching the campaign with a broader audience and optimising it. Read this post to see critical tips to build an optimal LinkedIn Ads targeting strategy.

· To impact buying decision-makers on LinkedIn, which audience settings do I have to consider?

To reach decision-makers on LinkedIn Ads, you can choose top Job Seniorities with Years of experience. This is an effective way to reach decision-makers. A member with ten years of experience can have junior seniority instead of a manager, for example. As a result, to make sure you impact decision-makers, add senior to partner seniorities and years of experience.

· When setting LinkedIn Ads targeting specs, how can I target users with specific interests?

To impact users with specific interests, LinkedIn Ads has the interests criteria. However, we suggest including interests with Job seniorities and functions to impact relevant users.

· How can I reach LinkedIn groups with my LinkedIn Ads campaigns?

LinkedIn Ads can target member groups. You can find them on the search bar at the top of LinkedIn’s page, write keywords and click on search. You can filter by groups on the results page and look at which ones you want to include in your campaign. In addition, consider that the most active groups usually appear at the top of the list.

· Is there a limited number of specs I can set on LinkedIn Ads campaigns?

There’s not a specific limited number of specs. However, we recommend introducing a maximum of 4 specs to be then able to optimise the campaign. This is one of the insiders that LinkedIn doesn’t explain. To get LinkedIn targeting unknown tricks, check our post.

· Does LinkedIn Ads allow to launch of multilingual campaigns?

No, the LinkedIn Ads tool doesn’t provide the option to run multilingual campaigns. If you choose the English language, you will take users with their English profile and the local language users. However, by selecting the local language, you’ll only impact the users with the chosen language.

· Should I use “Audience Expansion” on LinkedIn Ads?

Choosing the Audience Expansion option is not optimal for LinkedIn Ads campaigns, as it expands beyond the wished audience. Consequently, it’s probably not to have 100% control your target audience by selecting the Audience Expansion. Nevertheless, for smaller audiences, it is recommended to have a broader audience.

· Should I use LinkedIn Ads “And” & “Or” connectors?

The LinkedIn Ads “And” connector means members must meet all the chosen criteria. On the other hand, the “Or” connector means users need only to meet one of the targeting options selected. So, with the “And” connector, your target will be reduced but more specific.

· Can I reach my website visitors through LinkedIn Ads?

It is possible to impact your website visitors through LinkedIn Ads. This is an effective way to reach users interested in your business by integrating a pixel on the page.

· Is LinkedIn Ads offering CRM integrations?

Yes. LinkedIn Ads allows integrations with Marketo, Dynamics, Salesforce, Converter, Driftrock, Integrar, Leadsbrige, Oracle, Zapier and Hubspot. As a result, you can include your CRM contact list directly into the LinkedIn Ads campaign. However, if you don’t have a CRM, you can also upload a list (LinkedIn allows you to add a minimum of 10,000 contacts).

· Is there a minimum number of users to target on LinkedIn Ads?

On the LinkedIn Ads campaign, you need to target a minimum of 300 members because of the GDPR. Nevertheless, it is suggested to target between 40k and 400k members on LinkedIn Ads. So, the mentioned requirement shouldn’t be a problem, because if your audience is less than 300, it would not be advisable to launch the campaign.

· Can I upload a company list or a contact list on LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn Ads allows uploading a company list and a contact list too. You’ll find this option in “Matched audiences”. For the companies list, you must upload more than 300 companies and up to 300,000. In the case of contact lists, you have to add more than 10,000 email addresses.

· How do retargeting campaigns work on LinkedIn Ads?

You can retarget members who clicked on the ad but didn’t fill the form on LinkedIn Ads. In addition, you can target those members who visited your website. To launch retargeting campaigns, you need to use the “Matched audiences” section.

· On LinkedIn Ads, is it better to include or exclude the audience?

It depends. To know 100% which option is better, you need to test and check the forecast results. Sometimes, including can exclude other members. For example, if you include companies between 10 to 5000 employees, you may be excluding other businesses of this size, as they didn’t indicate this information on their company page. You can see another example with this post.

· How can I calculate the total active audience on LinkedIn Ads?

To estimate the total active audience on LinkedIn Ads, it’s need to consider five steps. We posted an article explaining through an example of how to calculate it.

LinkedIn Ads formats

· For LinkedIn awareness campaigns, which offers do I should deliver? And which ones are for lead generation campaigns?

For LinkedIn Ads awareness campaigns, we recommend offering infographics, guides, best practices, webinars, eBooks, and checklists for awareness campaigns.

On the other hand, the LinkedIn Ads lead generation campaigns offering should be based on incentives, demos, trials and sales contact.

· How many ads do I should launch on LinkedIn Ads?

On LinkedIn Ads, it’s essential to test copies and visuals to know which performs better. So, it’s advisable to launch a minimum of 2 or 3 ads. Also, if the audience size is smaller (for example, 30,000 users), we recommend running 4 or 5.

· Which are the best key copies to take into account on LinkedIn Ads?

The best copies to consider on LinkedIn Ads are X ways to, X things to, The future of, How to get and The power of. In addition, you can check top B2B copies in our post.

· What type of images should I use on LinkedIn Ads?

The visuals that impact LinkedIn Ads are those that show human images with a story behind them. In addition, it’s essential to offer value to the image, as users can understand quickly what they will obtain if they click the ad. Finally, images must be in tune with the ad copies. For additional information, in this post, we talk about the best images’ practices.

We recommend always running the single image ad on LinkedIn Ads campaignsOf course, you can also run another LinkedIn Ads format, but it’s essential to keep the single image. Consequently, you can test both formats and conclude which performs better.

· Which format performs better in LinkedIn Ads awareness campaigns?

The LinkedIn video ad is an optimal format to generate awareness. However, if you’re launching a new product or service and want to show its main features, the carousel is also a good option. In this post, we explain all you need to know about LinkedIn Ads types.

Videos are not helpful for LinkedIn lead generation campaigns. However, generating awareness is a recommended option. We’d suggest using the single image, message ads, conversation ads and carousel ads for lead generation campaigns.

 · Which is the optimal LinkedIn Ads video’s length?

LinkedIn confirms that the most successful videos are less than 15 seconds. As users don’t have enough time to see all LinkedIn videos, you need to capture their attention first 5 seconds. In addition, we recommend adding subtitles as LinkedIn Ads plays videos automatically in mute.

· Which LinkedIn Ad format is better when the offering is based on more than one product or service?

We suggest the LinkedIn carousel ad format, as you can add a maximum of 10 images. This format is also recommended when companies want to show a complicated product or service to know how it works.

In the LinkedIn Carousel Ad format, you can start adding 3 or 5 cards, and after seeing how it works, you can introduce more or change their order. But we don’t suggest attaching more than five at the beginning of the campaign.

· Can I run a LinkedIn message ads campaign with lower audiences?

LinkedIn Ads only allows sending one message every 45 days, so you need high audiences. It’s advisable is to have an audience size of 300,000 members. To see more recommendations about message ads, we suggest you check this link.

· How should the LinkedIn Message Ads subject line look like?

The LinkedIn Message Ads campaign’s subject line has to be shorter and attractive to get users to keep reading. We recommend using the following keywords: “Thank you”, “Exclusive invitation”, “Join”, “Connect” and “Job opportunities”.

· Which are the effective keywords to consider in the CTA for the LinkedIn Message Ads campaign?

LinkedIn Message Ads CTAs have to lead to your audience’s action. Consider using these keywords: “Test”, “Free”, “Today”, “Click” and “Apply”. In our definitive guide, you’ll find additional relevant tips about LinkedIn Message Ads.

· How many layers do I have to introduce in LinkedIn Conversation Ads format?

In LinkedIn Conversation Ads format, you should add between 2 and 5 layers and at least 2 CTAs. It is also a lousy practice to add negative CTAs like “Not interested” or “No, thank you”.

· Which are the most relevant recommendations for LinkedIn Conversation Ads?

One of the most crucial pieces of advice for LinkedIn Conversation Ads format is avoiding negative CTAs. For example, when offering a demo, instead of introducing “Interested” and “Not interested” CTAs, you can consider adding “Interested” and “More information”. On the other hand, you’re talking with a human being, so your copies need to be human too.

LinkedIn Ads metrics

· Which is the average frequency of LinkedIn Ads?

Based on our frequency, the average frequency of LinkedIn Ads for sponsored content is 1.8. This number means the average number of impressions impacted by each member with a minimum of 1 impression exposed.

· Which is the average CTR for the sponsored content on LinkedIn Ads?

The LinkedIn Ads CTR varies according to the countries, seniorities, and so on the functions. However, the average CTR for the single image ad is 0.50%, the carousel ad 0.40% and the video ad 0.47%. To see more relevant LinkedIn Ads metrics, check this link.

· How much costs a click on LinkedIn Ads sponsored content?

The cost of a LinkedIn Ads sponsored content click depends on the country. For example, the UK and the US are expensive countries, as they have a high demand. Having said this, the average CPC on LinkedIn is 5.5€-6€.

· Which is the cost of a LinkedIn Message Ads sent?

Each LinkedIn Message Ads send costs 0.3€ to 0.6€. This format is usually cheaper than other formats like the single image ad. The LinkedIn single image ad is more expensive because you pay per click and higher bid. On the other hand, in LinkedIn message ads, you pay per delivery, so the bid is usually lower.

· Which is the LinkedIn Ads view rate?

The average view rate on LinkedIn Ads is 25%-30%. This average is based on the significant EMEA countries.

· What is considered a good CPL on LinkedIn Ads?

The CPL is calculated by dividing the ad spend by the total number of leads obtained. If your average Cost per Lead is 70€ to 90€, it can be considered an optimal CPL. If your CPL is higher, it means the campaign is not performing well.

· Which is the average CPM on LinkedIn Ads?

The CPM is used for LinkedIn Ads awareness campaigns, and it shows the cost per 1,000 impressions. The average CPM is between 30€ to 40€.

LinkedIn Ads budget

· How can I calculate the LinkedIn Ads costs?

To calculate the LinkedIn Ads costs, you first need to size your audience. After that, estimate the number of impressions (you can multiply the audience size by 1.8). Next, you have to take the average spend and increase it by 20% (the average spend is shown on the campaign manager’s right-hand side). Also, you have to take the average number of clicks and decrease it by 20%. The next step is to divide the average spend by the average number of clicks.

Finally, multiply the number of impressions by the CTR and the CPC. You can download our free funnel template to estimate the costs and revenue quickly.

· How can I estimate the revenue of the LinkedIn Ads campaign?

To calculate the LinkedIn Ads revenue, there are several steps to consider. You can use our LinkedIn Ads ROI calculator to estimate it easier.

B2B lead generation

B2B lead generation basics

· Why are the B2B lead generation campaigns important?

Generating B2B leads is an essential part of every B2B company. It allows to increase the number of potential customers, and consequently the revenue too. You need to stand out from the competition and fight to obtain qualified clients in these difficult times.

· In the B2B lead generation campaign, is it more critical generating leads or nurture them?

Generating leads and nurturing leads are both very important. First, you need to generate leads to expand opportunities for conversion. However, these leads are not usually ready to buy in the first contact. So, they need a nurturing process.

Buyer persona

· Which is the most relevant information to add in the Buyer persona for the B2B lead generation campaign?

The most important information to consider in Buyer Personas for B2B lead generation campaigns is the age, location, challenges, interests, values, goals, needs and pain points. Thus, you’ll be able to meet their needs and objectives through your offer.

· Is it possible to create more than one Buyer persona in B2B lead generation campaigns? Is it possible to build more than one Buyer persona in B2B lead generation campaigns?

You can create more than one Buyer persona in B2B lead generation campaigns. Therefore, we recommend developing a maximum of 3 to not saturate with too much information.

· How can I obtain Buyer Persona information for B2B lead generation campaigns?

To get Buyer persona information for B2B lead generation campaigns, you first need to check your contacts database to conclude what type of prospects and clients your company has. In addition, you should also look at your website’s forms and create new ones with the additional information you need. Finally, ask your salespeople to know their opinion about the generated leads, and ask your clients directly to understand their feedback about your products and services.  

Buyer journey

· In B2B lead generation campaigns, can I obtain leads in all the buyer journeys or only in the decision phase?

You can get B2B leads in all the buyer journeys, from the awareness or TOFU stage to the decision or BOFU stage. It’s commonly thought the lead generation can only work in the decision stage. However, you can obtain leads in all phases. The lead generation strategy and offering will work differently in each one.

Ideal Customer profile (or ICP)

· Which is the difference between the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and the Buyer persona?

The Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) strategy is focused on finding companies’ information, while the buyer persona is based on individual users. So, you have to develop both for B2B lead generation campaigns.

· For B2B lead generation campaigns, can I develop only the ICP or the Buyer Persona? Or is it necessary to do both?

For B2B lead generation campaigns, it is necessary to develop the ICP and the Buyer Persona. You need to know how the companies work, what they need, and where they are located. On the other hand, you also have to consider the users’ informationThe campaign is indeed B2B, but you will still be dealing with people.

· Which information do I have to include in the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)?

When building the Ideal Customer Profile in B2B lead generation campaigns, ask yourself questions about companies’ general information (e.g., purpose, location, revenue, number of employees, etc.). In addition, it’s critical to know the pain points and also the decision-making process. You can check the questions in our B2B lead generation guide.

B2B lead generation offers

· Which are the most effective B2B lead generation offers in the TOFU stage?

The most effective offers to generate B2B leads in the Top of the Funnel stage are blog posts, eBooks, guides, infographics and social media posts. In this stage, users know they have a problem, but they don’t know how to solve it. So, they need educational content.

· Which are the key recommendations to consider in B2B lead generation campaigns based on the TOFU stage?

In B2B lead generation campaigns, you need to create CTAs to direct users to landing pages. Therefore, it’s essential to focus efforts on the landing page development, as it’s the last step to get a new lead. Also, we recommend carrying out a keyword strategy for users to find your content quickly. To see more critical recommendations for each offer, you can check our guide.

· Which type of B2B lead generation offers should I deliver in the MOFU stage?

In the Middle of the Funnel (or MOFU) stage, you should offer webinars, checklists, online calculators, podcasts, surveys, live streams and demo units to generate B2B leadsIn this case, members realised they had a problem and knew how to solve it. As a result, they want to find specific information related to their problem.

· Are there any relevant recommendations for B2B lead generation offers based on the MOFU stage?

We recommend adding cross-offers to increase value for B2B lead generation offers based on the MOFU stage. On the other hand, amplify your offers in social networks to get them known. In addition, include CTAs and landing pages to obtain leads’ information. In this link, you’ll find more essential tips to succeed with your MOFU offers.

· In B2B lead generation campaigns, how many questions do I should include in surveys?

When using B2B lead generation campaigns surveys, we don’t recommend asking more than ten questions. Also, these questions should have specific answers (yes or no, for example).

You can use webinars for B2B lead generation campaigns focused on TOFU and BOFU stages. Therefore, you need to think about the content you’re going to provide, as it doesn’t have to be the same.

· Which are the most relevant Bottom of the Funnel stage offers in B2B lead generation campaigns?

The most common offers for the Bottom of the Funnel stage in B2B lead generation campaigns are demos, trials, quotations with discounts, sales consultancies and discounts. In the decision stage, users are trying to decide which specific solution they should choose. So, you need to provide information related to why they should opt for your product or service.  

· In B2B lead generation campaigns, which are the most relevant suggestions to consider in Bottom of the Funnel offers?

In Bottom of the Funnel offers for B2B lead generation campaigns, one piece of advice is to give additional free information to deliver an optimal experience. The offer must also be customised, as the leads will feel you’re taking care of them. Set the following steps to reduce the possibility of losing them. Finally, the offer should be time-limited.

B2B lead generation platforms

· Which are the most used platforms to launch B2B lead generation campaigns?

For B2B lead generation campaigns, LinkedIn Ads, Xing Ads and Google Ads are the most used platforms. You can consider only one of them, but we recommend mixing more than one to test which one provides you with effective results.

· How can I know if running a B2B lead generation campaign on LinkedIn Ads is optimal?

To run a B2B lead generation campaign on LinkedIn Ads, you need to consider some points to conclude if it makes sense to launch the campaign. You can check them at this link.

· Is there relevant information to consider before developing a B2B lead generation campaign on LinkedIn Ads?

The B2B lead generation campaigns on LinkedIn Ads require a targeting strategy (which depending on the experience, can be difficult). Also, you have to think about the formats that LinkedIn provides, the budget and attractive creatives to develop. To see all the information you need to know about LinkedIn Ads, look at our guide.

· Are Google Ads more focused on B2C campaigns rather than B2B?

Google Ads are mostly used in B2C campaigns. However, you can obtain qualified B2B leads with Google ads. According to Google, B2B researchers do 12 searches on average before engaging on a specific brand’s site. Users also search for information for B2B solutions, so you can also consider Google Ads in your B2B lead generation campaign.

· For B2B lead generation campaigns, how can I develop the keyword strategy in Google Ads?

In B2B lead generation campaigns, you can use the Keyword Planner tool by Google to find relevant keywords. In addition, you can consider adding negative keywords to increase the chances of getting qualified leads.

· What is a Google lead extension?

The lead extension is a form provided by Google, which is integrated into Beta. It allows generating leads without the need to redirect them to a landing page. For additional information, you can check our guide.

In B2B lead generation campaigns built-in Google Ads, you can choose between a landing page or lead extension. However, knowing which one is better depends on your goals and target audience. For example, the lead extension is only available for mobile versions. If your target audience doesn’t do searches through their mobiles, we don’t recommend it. However, the users’ journey is more quickly with the lead extension rather than a landing page. An important thing to take into account is that commonly landing pages perform better than extensions. In our definitive guide, you’ll find more information.

· What are the essential tips for building optimal copies and visuals for B2B lead generation campaigns on Google Ads?

In Google Ads B2B lead generation campaigns, you need to be clear and direct to users to understand the value proposition in your ads’ copies faster. We recommend using an attractive visual that fits with the copy and a remarkable CTA. Regarding the form, introduce the necessary fields with short answers needed. Finally, make sure the ad and landing page copies are in tune.

· What is the Xing Ads platform about?

Xing is a networking platform focused on Germany, Switzerland and Austria. You can see more relevant information about Xing here.

It is recommended to launch a Xing Ads campaign if your target audience is located in the mentioned countries and make sure they are registered on the platform.

· Which format do I have to choose in Xing Ads B2B lead generation campaigns?

To generate B2B leads on Xing Ads, you have to choose the “Lead ad” format, as it allows to introduce a form. However, the form is not pre-filled.

· In which vertical platforms can I generate B2B leads?

There are several vertical platforms to generate B2B leads. For example, for marketing agenciesSortlist is an optimal lead generation platform. Also, Wontech is focused on the IT industry. On the other hand, there’re also many platforms working in more than one industry, such as Callbox and Demand Monster. Check them with this link.

Lead nurturing and lead scoring

· Which is the difference between lead nurturing and lead scoring strategies?

Lead nurturing and lead scoring strategies are essential for B2B lead generation campaigns. The lead nurturing is focused on building a customised process since the lead is obtained until it makes the purchase. The lead scoring analyses how many leads are ready to buy and which ones need a nurturing process.

Lead scoring

·How can I count the B2B leads qualification in the lead scoring strategy?

In the lead scoring strategy, you have to score the B2B leads qualification through demographic data. The most typical attributes are seniority, market, annual revenue, location, department and job title. Then, you can score the leads quickly with our lead scoring template.

· In lead scoring strategies, is it possible to use negative scoring?

In lead scoring strategies, it’s highly recommended to use negative scoring, as it would be easier to identify qualified sales leads. In our B2B lead generation guide, we provide additional vital tips.

· In lead scoring, should I include points for opened emails?

We don’t recommend adding points for opened emails in lead scoring activitiesThis metric is based on awareness, but it doesn’t indicate if the user will probably purchase. It could provide confusing results.

Lead nurturing

· Why is lead nurturing important in B2B lead generation campaigns?

Most of the generated leads are not ready to buy immediately. That’s why they need a nurturing process to receive a  customised experience.

· In the lead nurturing strategies, which are the steps to build an automated content plan?

To build an automated content plan in the lead nurturing, you must choose what you want to automate and develop a workflow process, from lead generation to conversion. After this, you have to decide which touchpoints you’re going to use to share your content. Finally, automate your email marketing to provide a personalised experience and consider launching retargeting campaigns for those leads who only downloaded your content.

· In B2B lead generation campaigns, do I have to carry out a follow-up plan with my leads?

It is crucial to develop a follow-up plan with the generated B2B leads. If not, you’ll decrease your opportunities to convert them into potential customers.

B2B inbound marketing

· In inbound marketing, which is the difference between AIDA and the Flywheel concepts?

In Inbound marketing, the AIDA model is mainly focused on awareness, consideration and decision phases. The Flywheel also considers the next steps after getting new leads in order to keep and convert them into potential clients. Check our definitive guide to see the basics of inbound.

· Is it better to implement AIDA or the Flywheel model in inbound marketing strategies?

We recommend considering the Flywheel model in inbound marketing strategies based on our experience. It’s very important to generate awareness, consideration and decision, but it’s essential to maintain the new leads too.

· Which are the steps to take into account when building an inbound marketing campaign?

To build an inbound marketing campaign, there’re several steps to consider; buyer persona building, buyer journeys development with their corresponding strategies, the offering for each funnel, among others. In our B2B inbound marketing definitive guide, we mention them. In addition, you can download our free checklist template.

Buyer Persona

· How many groups of information does the Buyer Persona contain?

The Buyer Persona contains the following groups of information:

  • · Demographics, including gender, age, location and family situation.
  • · Professional background, introducing the job position, experience and career.
  • · Relevant values and goals.
  • · Personal and professional pain points.
  • · After having this information, you’ll be able to know its needs.

· In inbound marketing, how can I obtain the Buyer Persona information?

To get the Buyer Persona information for your inbound marketing campaigns, you can check your database to find relevant information about your clients and prospects. Also, look at which information you asked for in your previous forms to develop a new form with additional fields. On the other hand, the sales team can give you relevant points to take into account. Finally, you can ask your clients’ thinking about your business.

Buyer journey

· In inbound marketing, which type of information do I have to deliver in the Top of the Funnel (or TOFU) stage?

In inbound marketing strategies, the Top of the Funnel stage is used to educate users with your content. Members know they have a problem, but they didn’t figure out how to solve it. That’s why they search for information with questions related to their problem.

· Can I deliver the same information for all funnels stages in inbound marketing?

It is not recommended to provide the same information for all funnel stages in inbound marketing. At each stage, users have specific knowledge about their needs. Depending on which information they need to know, you will have to provide determined content.

· Which kind of information users search for in the Middle of the Funnel stage?

In the Middle of the Funnel or MOFU stage, the information must be focused on the solution. Users are aware of their problem and start searching for concrete solutions. That’s why you have to deliver specific content (e.g., by offering an eBook or a guide).

· In inbound marketing, is the decision phase, the only stage that can generate leads?

In Inbound marketing, you can generate leads in all the buyer journey. For example, to download a guide (offer focused on the consideration stage), users must provide their details on a landing page. However, they’ll need a different nurturing process.

Buyer journey strategies

· Which are the essential buyer journey strategies for inbound marketing?

The most important buyer journey strategies are email marketing, content creation and distribution, lead nurturing and marketing automation strategies, and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Visit this link to see relevant information about inbound marketing strategies.

In inbound marketing, it’s important to carry all buyer journeys strategies for the following reasons:

  • · Email marketing: This is an optimal way to share with your leads to new content or offers. You can also automate your emails. So, it’s a good strategy to drive the leads through the funnel and convert them into customers.
  • · Content creation & distribution: To increase your business’ credibility, you need to create regular content. On the other hand, to make it known, it’s needed to distribute it through social networks, emailing, etc.
  • · Lead nurturing & marketing automation: When generating leads, you have to develop a process to buy your products or services.
  • · SEO: To appear in the first search results, an SEO strategy must be implemented.

· Which are the strategies focused on generating new leads in inbound marketing?

Content creation & distribution, and SEO are inbound marketing strategies aimed to generate new qualified leads.

Inbound marketing offers

· Can I cross more than one offer in inbound marketing strategies?

It’s recommended to cross more than one offer in inbound marketing strategies, as it provides the best experience to users.For example, when offering a webinar, you can also provide the assistants with an eBook related to the conference topic.

· In inbound marketing, which offers should I provide in the TOFU, MOFU and BOFU stages?

In inbound marketing offers, it’s advisable to offer blog posts, infographics, eBooks, social media posts, and FAQs in the awareness stage. On the other hand, for the MOFU or Consideration stage, we recommend providing calculators, videos, case studies, webinars, brochures, podcasts, livestreams and checklists. Finally, demos, trials, sales consultancies and free quotations with added discounts are optimal for the BOFU stage.

· Are there tips to take into account when implementing the inbound marketing offers?

There’re several tips to consider for each inbound marketing offer. In our definitive guide, we explain all of them. In addition, you can check them in the PDF document.

Marketing automation

· Why is marketing automation relevant in inbound marketing strategies?

Most of the new leads are not ready to buy in the first contact. That’s why they need a previous process to make the purchase. Here is when marketing automation comes. It allows providing a personalised experience to the leads.

· How can I build a marketing automation strategy?

To create a marketing automation strategy, first of all, you need to set your goals; how many leads do you want to convert? How long do you want this process to last? Remember your goals have to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound).

One of the marketing automation strategies recommended is a website live chat to immediately answer users who visit your pages. Some platforms allow setting automated responses. In addition, email marketing is an effective strategy in marketing automation, as you can schedule your emails and build automated answers. Finally, we would suggest social media automation to schedule posts and to monitor comments and likes.

Inbound marketing platforms

· Which are the complete platforms to build an inbound marketing strategy?

The most complete inbound marketing platforms are HubSpot, Marketo, Eloqua and Salesforce. They all have available most of the inbound marketing activities.

· To create a website for the inbound marketing strategy, which platforms should I consider?

WordPress is one of the most recognised platforms to build websites. In addition, you can take into account Gather Content.

· In inbound marketing strategies, which are the best platforms to create customised forms?

To build personalised forms in inbound marketing activities, we recommend considering Typeform and Jotform, as they deliver many templates and integrations with other platforms.

· Should I take into account any software to send inbound marketing automated emails?

HubSpot, Marketo and Eloqua can send inbound marketing automated emails. On the other hand, MailChimp is also an email marketing provider.

Inbound Marketing KPIs

· Which are the most relevant inbound marketing SEO KPIs?

The KPIs to consider in inbound marketing campaigns are backlinks (how many times other sites linked your pages), keyword ranking (which place your website appears in search engines), the organic search traffic. They are also important the page views, the sessions (the number of visits lasting X time), total traffic volume and the website conversion rate.

· For inbound marketing paid ads campaigns, which KPIs should I look at?

The most important KPIs for paid ads in inbound marketing strategies are impressions, clicks, the Cost per Click, the number of leads, the Cost per Lead, the number of Marketing and Sales qualified leads, and the Customer Acquisition Cost. However, depending on your goals, you can consider other relevant KPIs.

· When sending inbound marketing automated emails, which KPIs do I need to focus on?

Regarding inbound marketing email marketing strategies, you should focus on the following ones: delivery rate, open email rate, spam rate, unsubscribe rate, CTR, form conversion rate and conversion rate. Consequently, you’ll know if the strategy is working or not and make changes if necessary.

· Does the content marketing strategy have KPIs to take into account?

The KPIs you need to consider in content marketing strategies are the downloads, leads, Qualified Marketing lead, organic traffic, pages per sessions, and time-on-page. Then, you also need to consider client value (the total you spend with each client), revenue (of a specific period) and ROI (return on investment to know if you should launch the campaign or not).

Channel loyalty program

· How can I build a channel loyalty program step-by-step?

To create and run an effective channel loyalty program, you have to consider the process of creating a program, the incentives type, the software, etc. You can visit our definitive guide to see how to create a channel loyalty program or download our free checklist template with all the steps to consider.

Market Development Funds and Co-Op Funds

· Why do I need to consider Market Development Funds and Co-Op Funds in channel loyalty programs?

Market Development Funds and Co-op Funds are critical strategies for the distribution channels. They help to increase business’ sales through the channel partners. Gleanster confirms 83% of brand marketers believe MDF and CO-OP programs have an impact.

· Which is the difference between Market Development Funds and Co-op Funds?

Market Development Funds are based on partners activities. It is also negotiated before being implemented, and the company controls the strategy. On the contrary, Co-Op funds are based on partners’ sales. So, companies give a percentage of sales to partners. But, on the other hand, the Co-Op funds are managed by the partners.

· Are any key recommendations to take into account in channel loyalty programs goals?

In channel loyalty programs goals, it’s essential to set accessible programs to partners about how the program works. To do this, it’s advisable to hire a platform to manage the programEngaging with your partners is also an essential part of keeping in mind. Finally, to get the best results, control the program’s metrics to track if necessary.

Channel loyalty program process

· How many types are in channel loyalty programs?

There’re two main types of channel loyalty programs; the breadth and the depth goal. The first one is about extending the number of partners to increase sales. The depth goal aims to develop a process with existing partners to improve their effectiveness.

· For a channel loyalty program with few or many partners, is it better to choose breadth or depth goals?

We recommend considering the depth goal in channel loyalty programs if you want to have a few and qualified partners. But if you’re going to have as many as partners possiblefocus on the breadth one.

· How do I know if the partners are qualified in channel loyalty programs?

To conclude if your partners are qualified, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are they familiar enough with your brand/value proposition?
  • Have they current engagements with your competitors?
  • Which is their commitment level?
  • Do they know what your product or service is about?
  • Which is the average product or service volume they sell per month/year?

· If the channel partners don’t have enough experience with my products, should I consider implementing training?

It’s suggested to implement training when channel partners are not familiar with your products or services. They need to know what your product or service is about. So, with the training, they will obtain better results.

· How can I set the goals for the channel loyalty program?

Your goals must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound).  You should think about how many sales you want to obtain compared to the previous year, how many partners you want to work with, etc. However, you need to be logical and realistic.

· Which channel loyalty KPIs are relevant to consider?

The most important KPIs for channel loyalty programs are:

  • Registrations rate.
  • Channel partner lifetime value.
  • Channel partner retention rate (the partners’ percentage will stay with your business).

In addition, you should also consider channel partner redemption rate (it shows how relevant your program is), repeat purchase rate, and net promote score (it estimates your company growth).To calculate the channel loyalty KPIs, you can check our definitive guide to see how to calculate them.

The most important KPIs for channel loyalty programs are registrations rate, channel partner lifetime value, and channel partner retention rate (the partners’ percentage will stay with your business). You should also consider channel partner redemption rate (it shows how relevant your program is), repeat purchase rate, and net promote score (it estimates your company growth).To calculate the channel loyalty KPIs, you can check our definitive guide to see how to calculate them.

Channel loyalty incentives

· Which is the most common channel loyalty incentive type?

The channel sales incentives are the most channel loyalty incentive typical. Partners are awarded according to their success by providing them gift cards, tickets, gadgets, etc.

To award partners according to their success, you can consider the activity-based incentives as partners are awarded based on their activitiesIn addition, referral incentives are also a good option. In this case, the partners receive an incentive with each customer registration. Finally, you can take into account channel SPIFFs (or Sales Performance Index Funding Formula). Here, partners obtain a percentage of the sales.

· Is there any channel loyalty incentive based on discounts?

Channel rebates are based theoretically on discounts. Nevertheless, don’t mix concepts, as they are not 100% the same. So, don’t tell your partners you’ll give them discounts.

Channel loyalty platforms

We recommend hiring a channel loyalty platform because it will be easier to manage the program and coordinate partners, mainly if your program is based on a more significant number of partners.

· Which channel loyalty platforms are the most relevant?

The channel loyalty platforms we suggest considering are CR Worldwide, LoyaltyXpert, Channeltivity and Apex Loyalty. In addition, you can take a look at our channel loyalty platform, which is RunRunPromos.

B2B and Consumer promotions

B2B promotions

The most recommended B2B promotions types are the trade-in plans, cashback, channel loyalty programs, and try & buy. However, the trade-in plans are more focused on expensive products, while the cashback and try & buy can be used with cheaper and high-cost ones.

· Are B2B promotions examples to see clearly how they work?

We can show you B2B promotions we launched for our clients, which are the following:  

B2C promotions

· Which consumer promotion type is the most used?

The most typical B2C promotion is cashback. This is a very attractive strategy for consumers, as they receive a percentage of the purchase’s cost. In this post, we talk about what cashback means and how it works.

· Should the consumer promotions campaigns be focused in the same way as B2B ones?

B2B and consumer promotions have to be implemented differently. B2B cashbacks are more focused on SaaS products, and its message is related to saving. End consumers also care about the price, but the message also needs to be emotional.  

Which are the B2C promotions that provide a direct incentive?

The B2C promotions that offer direct incentives are trade-in plans, cashback, channel loyalty programs, try & buy, deferred bundles and referrals.

· If I want to deliver a limited number of gifts, which promotion type do I should choose?

If you have enough gifts, you can implement direct incentive promotions. However, remember to inform the total number of gifts on the promotional website. On the other hand, if you have a limited number of gifts, we recommend implementing raffles, contests or quizzes. Usually, in these promotions, it’s fixed, one winner.

· Which promotional strategy should I follow to offer products that are difficult to sell?

Bundles could be an optimal option to offer products that are hard to sell. You can create packs of two products and add a discount, for example. It’s advisable to mix a well-sold product with another one that is difficult to sell.

The legal aspects to take into account before running B2B promotions are several. First, you need to include an accounting document to let companies add the incentive to their balance sheets. Second, you also have to think about who will receive the incentive, the company, or its employees. Finally, to try & buy promotions, you must set the maximum days companies can use your product or service for free. You can check more key legal aspects here.

· If I launch a promotion in Italy, which are its regulations?

To launch a promotion in Italy, you need to consider some factors depending on the promotion type. You can check our blog post, where we explain them.

In terms of legal, raffles are considered the same as lotteries. So, you must pay specific taxes (which vary in each country). In Spain, for example, you would need to pay from 11% to 12%.

The process of creating a promotion

· Which is the process when creating a sales promotion campaign?

The promotional campaign process is composed of 10 steps. In our definitive guide, you can see all of them and download our checklist template.

· Why do I have to build a redemption table in sales promotion campaigns?

We highly recommend developing a redemption table in promotional campaigns, as it allows you to know if your promotional campaign will provide revenue. This way, you will avoid possible incidences. In this link, you can obtain our redemption table template for free to estimate your costs and revenue faster.

· How to create a redemption table for promotional campaigns?

To build a redemption table for promotional campaigns, you have to follow several steps explained in our definitive guide. However, if you prefer creating it faster, you can download our redemption table template.

· Which are the factors to consider when setting the promotion budget?

The typical spending on sales promotions is IT, legal, software expenses, communication assets, and paid ads when setting the promotional campaign budget. However, you should think about the additional costs.

· What does the Unique Seller Proposition mean in promotional campaigns strategy?

The Unique Seller Proposition (or USP) is the characteristic benefit that makes your company relevant and different. That’s why you need to emphasise it in your communication.

· Which are the most common terms and conditions in promotional campaigns?

Setting the terms and conditions in promotional campaigns is essential for users to know exactly what they must do to receive the incentive. The most typical are the promotional period, the participating retailers, the margin time users have to register their purchase, and the time limit your company has to deliver the gift.

· Which are the steps users take to participate in sales promotion campaigns?

The steps members follow to participate in promotional campaigns to obtain the gift are:

  • · Purchase: They first need to buy a promotional product or service.
  • · Registration: After this, they have to fill the promotional form introducing information about the purchase.
  • · Approval: The company approves participation.
  • · Incentive: In the end, users obtain the incentive.

· Do I need to hire a promotional platform to manage my sales promotion campaigns?

Based on our experience, hiring a promotional platform is essential to control your campaigns, as it allows us to control the campaign. You can take a look at our RunRunPromos promotional platform.

· How do I should communicate the promotional campaign?

You can communicate your promotional campaign at the point of sale and online. Regarding the point of sale, the advice is using flyers, wobblers and A4 items. We recommend launching banners, social media organic posts, paid ads, and emailing in online communication campaigns.

Promotion results tracking

· Which metrics do I should consider when tracking B2B and B2C promotional campaigns?

To track the B2B and B2C promotional campaigns results, you need to consider the total participations’ number is critical to compare with the redemption table created. In addition, you should check your communication assets results to know if they helped you to succeed. On the other hand, compare your final campaign costs with the estimated ones. Finally, calculate the return on investment.

· How has the ROI to be calculated in promotional campaigns?

The Return on Investment in promotional campaigns is calculated by subtracting the total costs from the benefits. After this, divide it by your expenses to finally multiply it by 100 to get the percentage. 

ROI (Return on Investment) = ((Profits – Investment) / Investment) * 100

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B2B and Consumer promotions