Lead gen forms advantages and best practices

In the B2B lead generation campaigns creations, LinkedIn Ads is one of the best platforms to achieve optimal results. According to an analysis by Hubspot’s, LinkedIn lead conversion rates are 3 times higher than other relevant platforms. In this kind of campaigns, it’s advisable to use the form offered by LinkedIn, known as Lead Gen Forms. In this post, we will explain the Lead Gen Forms advantages and best practices.

On the other hand, in order to obtain leads, it’s a good practice to select the best types of LinkedIn Ads: Sponsored Content and Sponsored InMail.

Lead gen form advantages and best practices

Also, if you are interested, we have posts related to ads types best practices, copies and images best practices. Finally how to make a good segmentation on LinkedIn Ads.

Lead gen forms advantages

There’s no need to redirect users to a landing page:

Through the lead gen form, users don’t need to leave the LinkedIn platform and redirect to a typical landing page. As a result, the user’s journey is shorter, and it increases the chances of generating a larger number of leads.

Forms are pre-filled automatically:

Except for the contact fields (phone number and contact email), all form fields are prefilled by using the user’s profile information. This factor causes a process accelerating, thus reducing the possible loss of opportunities.

The proportion of metrics to demonstrate ROI:

In order to control if the campaign is working correctly and demonstrate the ROI. LinkedIn offers some metrics such as CPL, lead conversion rate, among others. Also, LinkedIn performs an analysis of the obtained leads, classifying them according to industry, job title, seniority, geolocation, etc.

Best practices:

Introduce a maximum of 3-4 fields

It’s essential to keep in mind that as less as fields you introduce, you’ll increase chances of generating more leads. However, if you generate many leads but they’re not qualified, it means that it hasn’t been introduced the necessary fields.

Avoid fields that require manual entry

As mentioned above, most fields are pre-filled. However, there are some, such as the telephone number, email or gender, which require manual input.

Therefore, it’s a good practice to enter the minimum of manual fields as possible, in order to speed up the user’s process.

Build a consistent message

The lead gen form message must be consistent and coherent with the ad. To do this, we recommend trying out different forms and testing them in order to analyze which generates the most qualified leads.

Be direct

In the form, users must know clearly what the offer is about, or the information that you are going to provide them. Consequently, the message must be direct and honest.

As a specialized agency on LinkedIn and B2B lead generation, we can conclude that the lead gen form tool is more efficient and provides better results compared to a landing page.